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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Christology courses

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Christology Syllabus 2007-8 by Goerge Zachariah
Gurukul Lutheran Theological College & Research Institute, Chennai 10

Department of Christian Theology

September and January Terms 2007-08

M. Th. 1 CT 22. Christology


Amaladoss, Michael. The Asian Jesus. Delhi: ISPCK, 2005.

Aulen, Gustaf. Christus Victor: An Historical Study of the Three Main Types of the Idea of Atonement. New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1969.

Boff, Leonardo. Passion of Christ, Passion of the World. New York: Orbis Press, 1988.

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Christ the Center. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1978.

Borg, Marcus. Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship. Pennsylvania: Trinity Press, 1994.

Brock, Rita Nakashima. Journeys by Heart: A Christology of Erotic Power. New York: Crossroad, 1992.

Brock, Rita Nakashima and Rebecca Ann Parker. Proverbs of Ashes: Violence, Redemptive Suffering and the Search for What Saves Us. Boston: Beacon Press, 2001.

Brown, Joanne Carlson, and Rebecca Parker. “For God so Loved the World?” In Christianity, Patriarchy, and Abuse: A Feminist Critique. Ed. Joanne Carlson Brown and Carole R. Bohn. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1989.

Bultmann, Rudolph. Kerygma and Myth: A Theological Debate. New York: Harper & Co. 1962.

Chakkarai, V. Jesus the Avatar.

Clarke, Sathianathan. Dalits and Christianity: Subaltern Religion and Liberation Theology in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Cone, James. God of the Oppressed. New York: Orbis Books, 1997.

Crossan, Dominic. The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1992

Dupuis, Jacques. Who do you say I am? Introduction to Christology. New York: Orbis Press, 1994.

Ela, Jean-Marc. “The Memory of the African People and the Cross of Christ” In The Scandal of a Crucified World: Perspectives on the Cross and Suffering. Ed. Yacob Tesfai. New York: Orbis Books, 1994.

Ellacuria, Ignacio. “The Crucified People,” In Systematic Theology: Perspectives from Liberation Theology. Ed. Jon Sobrino and Igacio Ellacuria. New York: Orbis Press, 1996.

Farley, Wendy. Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy. Kentucky: Westminister, 1990

Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler. Jesus: Miriam’s Child, Sophia’s Prophet: Critical Studies in Feminist Christology. New York: Continuum, 1995.

George, N. V. The Doctrine of Incarnation in Vaishnavism and Christianity: A Critical and Comparative Study. Delhi: ISPCK, 1997.

Grant, Jacquelyn. White Women’s Christ and Black Women’s Jesus: Feminist Christology and Womanist Response. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989.

Hengel, Martin. Crucifixion. Philadelphia: Fortress Pres, 1978.

Hick, John. The Myth of God Incarnate. London: SCM Press, 1977.

Isherwood, Lisa. Introducing Feminist Christologies. Ohio: Pilgrim Press, 2002.

Karkkainen, Veli-Matti. Christology: A Global Introduction. Grand Rapids: Baker Academics, 2003.

Knitter, Paul. Jesus and the Other Names. New York: Orbis Press, 1996.

Macquarrie, John. Jesus Christ in Modern Thought. London: SCM Press, 1990.

Migliore, Daniel L. Faith Seeking Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Theology. Michigan: Eerdmans, 2004.

Moltmann, Jurgen. Theology of Hope. New York: Harper and Row, 1967.

Moltmann, Jurgen. The Crucified God. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993.

Norris, Richard A. Jr. The Christological Controversy. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1980.

Panikker, Raimundo. Unknown Christ of Hinduism. Bangalore: ATC. 1982.

Pannenberg, Wolfhart. Jesus, God and Man. London: SCM Press, 1968.

Pannenberg, Wolfhart. Systematic Theology II. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957.

Pieris, Aloysius. “The Christhood of Jesus and the Discipleship of Mary: An Asian Perspective” Logos, Vol. 39, No. 3.

Pui-Lan, Kwok. Postcolonial Imagination and Feminist Theology. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005.

Queirnga, Andres Torres, et al. Eds. The Resurrection of the Dead Concilium 2006/5. London: SCM Press, 2006.

Rhoads, David. “The Political Jesus: Can there be any other?” In Mission with the Marginalized. Ed. Samuel W. Meshack, Tiruvalla: CSS Books, 2007.

Ruether, Rosemary Radford. Sexism and God-Talk. Boston: Beacon Press, 1983.

Samartha, Stanley J. One Christ Many Religions: Toward a Revised Christology. New York: Orbis Press, 1991.

Samuel, V. C. The Council of Chalcedon Re-examined: A Historical and Theological Survey. Madras: CLS, 1977.

Schillebeeckx, Edward. Jesus: An Experiment in Christology. London: Collins, 1977

Schillebeeckx, Edward. Christ: Christian Experience in the Modern World. London: SCM Press, 1980.

Schmiechen, Peter. Saving Power: Theories of Atonement and Forms of the Church. Michigan: Eerdmans, 2005.

Soares-Prabhu, George M. The Dharma of Jesus. New York: Orbis Books, 2003.

Sobrino, Jon. Jesus the Liberator: A Historical-Theological View. New York: Orbis Books, 1999.

Solle, Dorothee. Thinking about God: An Introduction to Theology.

Thomas, M. M. The Secular Ideologies of India and the Secular Meaning of Christ. Madras: CLS/CISRS, 1976.

Weaver, Denny J. The Nonviolent Atonement. Michigan: Eerdmans, 2001.

Westhelle, Vitor. The Scandalous God: The Use and Abuse of the Cross. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006.

Yoder, John. The Politics of Jesus: Behold the Man! Our Victorious Lamb. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1972.


1. Regular and active class participation and presentation of reading reports.
2. Four written assignments.

Class Schedule and Readings

Week 1. Introduction

Autobiographical Christologies. “Who do you say I am?”

R. Brock and R. Parker. Proverbs of Ashes.15-50

Week 2. Recapitulating

V. Karkkainen. Christology: A Global Introduction. 19-58

D. Rhoads. “The Political Jesus: Can there be any other?” 51-91

R. Norris. The Christological Controversy. 1-31

V. Karkkainen. Christology: A Global Introduction. 265-285

Week 3. Methodology

W. Pannenberg. Jesus God and Man. 21-37

W. Pannenberg. Systematic Theology II 278-297

D. Bonhoeffer. Christ the Center. 27-39

P. Tillich. Systematic Theology II. 19-96, 97-165

Week 4. Methodology

G. Soares-Prabhu. “The Jesus of Faith,” 75-101

A. Pieris. “The Christhood of Jesus…” 3-45

E. Fiorenza. Jesus: Miriam’s Child, Sophia’s Prophet. 3-63

S. Clarke. Dalits and Christianity. 178-217

Week 5. Methodology

J. Moltmann. The Crucified God. 82-111

J. Sobrino. Jesus the Liberator:A Historical-Theological View. 11-63

J. Grant. White Women’s Christ and Black Women’s Jesus. 63-90

K. Pui-Lan. Postcolonial Imagination and Feminist Theology. 168-185

Week 6. Incarnation

D. Bonhoeffer. Christ the Centre. 69-113

N. V. George. The Doctrine of Incarnation… 87-156

V. Chakkarai. Jesus the Avatar. 1-14, 216-228

M. Amaladoss. The Asian Jesus. 127-148

Week 7. Incarnation

Rita Brock. Journeys by Heart. 25-70

W. Farley. Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion. 95-114

L. Isherwood. Feminist Christologies. 52-70

Week 8. Suffering and Death

M. Hengel. Crucifixion 1-90

Pannenberg. Jesus, God and Man. 47-49, 245-280

Aulen, Gustaf. Christus Victor.

P. Schmiechen. Saving Power. 313-352

Week 9. Suffering and Death

P. Tillich. Systematic Theology Vol. II. 165-180

J. Moltmann. The Crucified God. 200-290

D. Weaver. The Nonviolent Atonement. 179-228

V. Westhelle. The Scandalous God: The Use and Abuse of the Cross. 76-176

Week 10. Suffering and Death

L. Boff. Passion of Christ, Passion of the World. 9-24, 44-136

J. Ela. “The Memory of the African People and the Cross of Christ.” 17-35

L. Isherwood. Feminist Christologies. 87-102

Brown/Parker. “For God so Loved the World.” 1-30

Week 11. Resurrection

R. Bultmann. Kerygma and Myth: A Theological Debate. 34-43

E. Kasemann. “The Pauline Theology of the Cross.”

W. Pannenberg. Jesus, God and Man 53-114

Week 12. Resurrection

J. Moltmann. Theology of Hope. 139-229

J. Sobrino. Christ the Liberator. 11-112

A. Queirnga. The Resurrection of the Dead. 35-130

Week 13. Contemporary Significance

D. Migliore. Faith Seeking Understanding. 197-222, 301-329

J. Dupuis. Who do you say I am? 140-167

A. Pieris. “The Christhood of Jesus…” 45-69

Week 14. Contemporary Significance

S. Samartha. One Christ Many Religions. 87-161

J. Hick. The Myth of God Incarnate. 167-185

M. M. Thomas. The Secular Ideologies of India…193-203

Week 15. Contemporary Significance

D. Sole. Thinking about God. 102-119

L. Isherwood. Feminist Christologies. 103-132

J. Cone. God of the Oppressed. 99-126

I. Ellacuria. “The Crucified People.” 257-278

Week 16. Evaluation

Revised autobiographical christologies

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